The right to pollute should not be for the rich only we must all cut emissions our country shall lead the way in this with radical new thinking.
A new system shall be introduced where each person gets a carbon allowance paid weekly in points. This will be enough for normal living and saving some to buy other items that use a large amount of energy to manufacture. However if you live an extravacaint livestyle then you will have to puchace exta carbon points this will have to be bought from someone who has not used all their allowance. Green Living Will also generate extra Carbon points that can be sold on.
There will be an optimum size home per person you live in the optimum size home your points shall cover your home Car and other items,using green energy you could generate extra points. If you live in a smaller home don’t drive you could have a large amount of points to spare and sold to high users for cash prices will be fixed so that is fair all users .
This has two benefits it will encourage low carbon economy but help out the poor or people that want to live green by earning money for them.
The poor will earn extra tax free income from the rich. Small homes will earn carbon points too, We will all have. A better standard of living and wither the benefit of a greener country.
if you buy fuel you must have enough money and carbon point to buy.
if you buy a new car you must pay for the carbon it has used to manufacture in carbon points same with fuel and certain foods
The low income people would benifit the most as their small houses,small cars or no Car would allow them to have extra carbon points that they can sell to the higher bidder
This policy would help the environment and force those who waste the most to help those who use less or the would resource. Money should not give the right to pollute and use our limited would resource everyone shall be equal in this.
As we become more energy efficient the amount of Carbon points issued per week per person shall be reduced forcing Greener Living Year By Year.
Industry will be penalised if they use too much packaging I.e. concentrated washing detergent could cut 14 000 lories a year of the road
Computer games sold in huge empty boxes.
The packaging tax calculation will look into materials used a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being biodegradable and low manufacturing cost, to ten being the opposite.
Volume of packaging over size unit sold and weight of packaging will all be used to determine the extra charge. This will encourage all articles to sell only the packaging required. Reducing the waste in material and taking more lorries of the road.
All Junk mail will be banned
All new electrical goods sold must be energy A rated
All new items must declare how much power was used in their manufacture from a set formula a tax will be paid to the government by the company manufacturing and selling to the UK for each KW used. This will encourage developing companies to reduce carbon emissions as well as high energy outputs would now make these items less competitive. The bonus on this it would bring in revenue from other countries to the UK government.