BBC Same Service but No Cost to the tax payer


We have one of the best TV stations in the world. The BBC and its integrity must be maintained. However I believe it is wrong to have to pay for a licence for this.   A reform of the Licence is required.

The BBC have a responsibility to educate and inform if we disposed of the licences fee this would stop. There will now be a tax on all broadcasting channels (Commercial ITV Sky etc) this money will pay for the BBC channels and radio. 

The BBC will continue to produce cutting edge Television and the community service programs, 

These proposals will maintain the BBC vital world quality channels

Eliminate the cost of this for the private licence payer

.Bring in overseas investment to the BBC if other non UK TV channel wants to broadcast in the UK. they will need to pay the broadcasting tax to.  

Puts the obligation on to every broadcaster to help pay for the community channels we require.
